Information: My International Press Review has been suspended on February 27. It has been replaced with an “International News Blog. Here ist the link: Kinzler’s International News Blog – Europe in trouble
Today’s Press Review
Today: 15 articles full text on CAP (the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy), The West and the Rest and A (Disappointing) Berlinale Film Festival Roundup

Article of the Day
February 26 – 27: L’agriculture française face à de graves problèmes de stratégie (Contrepoints, Opinion)

This Week’s Press Revues
More than 20.00 articles in over 300 PDF files, from March 2011 through today
Cartoon of the Day
February 26: Farmers versus Ecology? (Plantu)

Numbers of the Day
February 26:

Videos of the Day
February 26: Senior Hamas Official Mousa Abu Marzouk: “Nobody Could Have Anticipated the Consequences of October 7; We Did Not Expect a Barbaric World War against Us, in Violation of International Law (Memri TV)

Debate of the Week
February 20: Facing the Debt Wall (Nicolas Baverez in Le Figaro vs M. Geerolf, Economist at OFCE in Le Monde)

What do you think?
A comments function is available at the bottom of this page. Use it and start a debate!
Other European Press Revues
Eurotopics (daily, centrist, pro-European)
Voxeurope (weekly, leftish, pro-European)
Note on this International Press Revue
Initiated in 2003 as a class at the Institute of Political Studies of Grenoble, this International Press Review is strictly personal. While some of the selected articles align perfectly with my centrist convictions, lots of them don’t. Some even upset me.
But here’s not the point. The overall purpose of this International Press Review is to present a broad spectrum of perspectives on global issues, many of which I believe are being neglegted or outright brushed aside by the media and the wider public, while they definitely offer clarity and highly needed food for thought.
All articles selected in this blog are drawn from some of the world’s major papers publishing in English, French and German. (Here are my Main Sources)
Quand la liberté d’expression est en danger, la vie est en danger. Le professeur Kinzler a eu le courage de s’opposer à cette vague perverse qu’est la cancel culture. C’est courageux de sa part. Il est de notre devoir en tant que simple citoyen, de trouver le courage de le soutenir.