English-Language Papers
The Economist (UK, free market)
The one global newspaper. Weekly world class journalism since 1843! Simply ZE best! According to the self-definition of the London paper: “the voice of the extreme center.”
The Wall Street Journal (US, free market, center right)
Also referred to simply as the Journal, is an American newspaper based in New York City, with a focus on business and finance. As of 2023, the Wall Street Journal is the largest newspaper in the United States by print circulation, with 609,650 print subscribers. It has 3.17 million digital subscribers. The editorial pages of the Journal are typically center-right in their positions,
New York Times (US, leftish, woke)
For 2 euros per month, it’s a deal. Even if the most widely read American newspaper in the Western world (1700 journalists in 2022) has clearly shifted towards wokism, it nonetheless remains a mandatory reference.
The Guardian (UK, leftish)
For good measure, I make it a point to read this left-leaning daily from the English press. As for its editorial line, it is comparable to that of Le Monde or Süddeutsche Zeitung. A great asset for the thrifty student; access is free, only a “donation” is expected.
French Press
Le Figaro (France, center right)
Much better than its reputation in the academic circles from which I come, especially for its numerous opinion pieces. For me, who arrived in France 40 years ago and used to read Libération, it is now the French newspaper of reference.
Le Monde (France, left wing)
“One can think what they want, but Le Monde remains essential. I observe with satisfaction that the economic commentaries have remained reasonable; however, in social domains, there is an unfortunate proximity to ‘woke’ theories.”
Le Point (France, free market, center right)
Le Point is a French weekly news magazine with a traditionally right-wing bias. It is one of five national weekly news magazines in France.
Israeli papers
Jerusalem Post (center right)
The Jerusalem Post is published in English. Previously, it also had a French edition. The paper professes to be in the Israeli political center yet is considered to be on the political right; its editorial line is critical of political corruption and supportive of the separation of religion and state in Israel.
Haaretz (leftish, pacifist)
Haaretz is the beacon of the Israeli left. The newspaper is at the forefront of the struggle for the withdrawal from the Occupied Territories, as well as the defense of the rights of the Palestinians. It has been one of the most ardent supporters of the Oslo Accords. We quote the English-language version.
German-Language Papers
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Germany, free market, center right)
My personal reference in the German language press, on par with the NZZ from Zurich. A newspaper that is distinctly liberal, both socially and economically.
Neue Zürcher Zeitung (CH, free market, center right)
This old Swiss daily founded in 1780 and headquartered in Zurich, the country’s economic capital, is regularly cited as one of the ten best daily newspapers in the world.
Süddeutsche Zeitung (Germany, center left)
The Munich newspaper is the preferred daily of the educated German middle class, which, on the political spectrum, leans towards the moderate left. The younger generation and those further to the left prefer the tageszeitung from Berlin.
European Press Revue
euro/topics (pro-European, financed by the German government)
It is a European press review published daily by the Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb), a German public institution. The platform, available in five languages, reflects the diversity of opinions, ideas, and impressions in Europe, and traces the major political, economic, and social debates shaping the continent. The founders’ goal is ‘to contribute to the development of a European public opinion.’
Revues scientifiques
Commentaire (français)
Revue intellectuelle et politique trimestrielle fondée par Raymond Aron en 1978. Elle est actuellement dirigée par Jean-Claude Casanova, Philippe Raynaud et Philippe Trainar, et tire à 6 000 exemplaires.